Saturday, October 11, 2014

Simplest Peanut Butter Cookies

I have been posting so many savory recipes that I thought it was time for some sweet options!

Now the problem with baking oftentimes is this:

--fussy measurements and ratios
--special equipment
--additional ingredients and spices
--extra skills and know-how

If you have been following along over the last two years, it is likely you have a few basic baking components / equipment / or gadgets. Honestly, the cookie sheet is about as special as it gets for this recipe which is about as classic as they come with all the memories of childhood, mom making cookies, Saturday afternoons, and simple living.

Should only take about 5 - 10 minutes to put together and slide into a pre-heated oven.
Can be gluten-free if you skip the flour!

Reflect today with some homemade goodness and a cold glass of milk. I promise it will be the perfect study break! Call home just to check in!

(Adapted from the Food Network website--just too simple to pass by)

Simplest Peanut Butter Cookies

Mixing bowl
Pre-heated oven to 350F degrees
Measuring cups
Ungreased cookie sheet

1 cup sugar
1 cup peanut butter, chunky
1 egg, lightly beaten (or not)
1 Tbls of flour (or you can go without so that it is Gluten-free)
1 tsp of vanilla

Seat salt
Chocolate chips
Reese's Cups
Peanut M & M's

1. Wash your hands.
2. Preheat the oven to 350F degrees.
3. Combine all ingredients into a mixing bowl except for optional ingredients. Add a little flour if you feel like it.

4. Form 'golf-ball' size ball and mash with a fork in cross-hatch.
5. Sprinkle with sea salt.

6. Bake at 350F degrees x 10 minutes.
7. Remove cookies and add any extras from the above Optional List.
(Results are better when added after cookies have baked.)
8. Let cookies cool on a rack if possible.

9. Grab an ice cold glass of milk.

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